Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's this?!

I really don't know what i did to make you always like this.
Am i that bad to you?
always thought a realationship between a boy and a girl is sweet.
Guess im f'in wrong bout'it!
Always see other girls and their boyfriend so happy and the boy is always making the girl happy.
Guess i don't deserved that. i might as well write a note to myself to not dream about it again.

Always say i don't give enough to you, what have you give me?
Heart break? sadness?
That, i don't need.
I can tell you im a really very easy to be happy person.
little things can make me very happy.
but you always want to put me in a difficult position like this, i ask you...
How the hell can i be happy?!
Do you care how i feel? do you?!